Appropriate golf attire is suggested / shirts and shoes are required.
Please replace your divots, repair your ball marks, and smoothly rake bunkers.
Keep all golf bags and pull carts off tees and green collars.
All holes must be played in the proper sequence as designated by the golf staff.
All groups are expected to keep pace with the group in front of them. Whenever a group shall for any reason fall more than one clear hole behind, it is expected to invite the following group to play through. In the absence of an invitation, the following group may go through on request.
Play one ball only in accordance with the Rules of Golf. Practice is not allowed on the golf course.
Alcohol is not permitted on the property.
Only members and guest fee paying golfers are allowed to play.
Each golfer assumes all risks and danger incidental to the game of golf and is personally liable for all damage to property or injury to persons which result from golfer’s actions.
Management reserves the right to revoke play, without refund, for anyone whose conduct is unbecoming or for infraction of the local rules.